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Saturday, April 18, 2009
*Weeeeee! *

Yet another busy day travelling down from Dunedin to Winton.. And thanks heaps to Ziwei for chauffering me down! Thanks a lot alot!! Although he will be back to Christchurch tomorrow and I have to hit the roads on my own for the remaining 5 weeks! Nooooo!! Knowing my super lousy driving skills, i think everyone should wish me luck! haha.. Road down was straight for part of the way but after Gore ( i think) it became quite curvy wurvy.. haha. It was a sunny day nonetheless.. good weather is what all New Zealanders hope for! Talking about the weather on a day to day basis is never heard back in Malaysia... but it is a very good topic to pull up when you want to start a conversation here in NZ.. :)

We passed a few smallish rural towns along the way.. One that caught our eye was the bridge in Balcutha.. We thought it looked nice.. so we stopped by and took a few pics :)

Another random pic because we thought that the rives and lakes in this particular town were exactly like those mirror-like lakes which you see in postcards..

After a long drive, we reached Winton! Exciting! As always, pics from every angle.. but since the internet connection here is so slow, i will only upload a few pics :)


Look at this cool equipment.. a washing machine and dryer all in 1!!

House is rather small but not too bad. There is only one main street in Winton ( i think) and as we were new to this town, we decided to go exploring!

Had pizza made with love for lunch.. Look at me!! So greedy... but i was really hungry at that time plus the pizza was yummy~!. haha..

Took a drive down the main street and almost all shops were jam shut at 2.00pm. My gosh.! Wanted to get some bread for breakfast so popped by to the only bakery in town. Guess what.. no bread for sale? What?? Fine, nvm la.. haha.. so we just took a stroll along the main street.. Headed down to New World and decided to make muffins for breakfast instead. So, got all the ingredients we needed and headed home to bake some for breakfast tomorrow. As we got home, we checked out the flour that was kindly left for us from the previous previous students.. Dont know why we decided to check the expiry date, and yes it was expired 2 years ago. bleah.. so went back to New World to get some more flour. All in all, it was a good experience.. Oh yah we got some strawberries along the way.. they were super sweet!

Muffins fresh from the oven! Ziwei modified the recipe by adding in some chocolate buttons.. And it turned out really good! Dont know why when he modifies the recipe it always turns out to be so so good.. And all muffins will be left in the flat! So yayayay! More muffins for me me me! Nah, haha.. i wont finish it all, so Lulu and Mesfer, come here quick.. awesome muffins are waiting for you guys!!

Till then.. cherrios!!

Food and me

8:38 PM

Friday, April 17, 2009
The Easter hols was here and we went up to visit my bro and his gf in Palmerston North! Wee!~ Weather was so so good that day in Christchurch when we took a bus to the Chch Airport. Thanks Yvonne for lending me your Metro card! Will return it to you soon soon! (Btw, it is much cheaper to bus to the airport if you have a Metro card)

This is a pic of us waiting for the bus.. we were waiting in apprehension for the bus.. didnt know whether we got the right bus stop or the right time since it was a public holiday that day.. so yea.. time to cam whore!!

Welington airport viewed from the plane

Arrived at Welly international airport and bro and gf were there to greet us!! All the 4 of us bundled into Laura's new car which my bro calls a taxi.. haha.. The car was pretty good and stable throughout the whole journey from Welly to Palmy North! Way to go! On the way, we stopped at some cool getaway (beach like place)... It was really sunny and fun just hanging out for a couple of minutes over there. Took many pics with my bro's camera as my camera died (aka ran out of battery by that time). So, will wait for my bro to send me the lovely pics of all 4 of us!

As my bro lives in Pammy North, he knows all the awesome places to eat! We went to this Chinese Restaurant called China Town.. We ordered 3 dishes of fish, taro with pork and hot pot tofu with seasonal vegetables. The servings were huge!! All 4 of us barely staggered to finish the food.. but we did in the end! Thumbs up! Price was ok too.. about 20 per person.

We stayed at Civello Motel which is a budget motel.. it was a simple room with 2 single beds and a tv.. with no attached bathroom. It was a pretty simple place but was relatively cheap.. so oh well.. just for 2 nights it was fine! :) Ooo... and their wireless broadband is not wireless at all ! We had to bring the laptop down to the lounge to plug it in to some kinda cable. I think the owner does that to save costs.. hehe.

The next day, went to walk around Palmy North city centre . There were lots of shops having clearance and closing down sales. There was even a Glassons clearance store selling tops as cheap as 5 bucks! And they were good quality stuff too! After wandering around for some time, went to bug my bro and his gf.. haha.. All the 4 of us made pizza from scratch in my bro's studio apartment! It was really fun! Ok fine we didnt make the base but everything else was from scratch! Our pizza was a real success.. we had heaps of toppings such as salami, pineapple, tomato paste, chicken, ham, cheese, capsicums and mushrooms ( from my bro's fridge.. haha)) It was really yum! everyone said so.. not only me! haha.. However, dont know why the pizza was too watery.. ? cause? Later that day, Laura drove back home to Hastings and all 3 of us watched movies on my bro's comp.

After that, went to Masterton to visit Chong! Masterton is a quaint, wee town.. It was so so very quiet! We had dinner together at some Indian restaurant.. cant remember the name.. All 3 of us chose the HOT option! So cool yah.. haha.. Had a good time catching up over dinner and wanted to go for a drink after that but Chong lost her way! hahha.. so we ended up walking home in the dark with Chong planning escape routes if ever anything happened but of course nothing did :) We did put up the night in Chong's flat.. Her landlord was awesome and kind enough to let us stay in her flat. Chong was so nice.. she even made breakfast of eggs, baked beans and toast for us.. Thanks so much Chong!

So after that we left for wellington and walked around before heading to the airport on a very expensive bus ride... it costed 6.50 for onli a 20 min ride. Ya. then took a plane back to christchurch and ya... thats all for now. :) will blog again sooN!! tata

Food and me

11:14 PM

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Dining out..

After a long hiatus i decided to update my blog yet again. Went for a wee walk to check out the new shopping mall which is called Wall St. Not many shops were opened as yet but the exterior looks very fancy. A new facelift to Dunedin! After walking for a while, we decided that it was time for dinner. Wanted to go to Rainforest. Tried the back entrance but it was locked. So we just presumed that it was closed or was fully booked for functions. So, we decided to take a detour and walked along George Street. Chopsticks 101 looked interesting with its special offer for the week. So in we went!

In line waiting...

While waiting for the food, I decided to make funny faces as I always do.. I like to scrunch my nose! haha.. Little did i know that i was captured on camera :)

Still waiting.. :P

That's us! :)

Someone was really having a hard time gulping down the super hot and spicy dish that he ordered.. tsk tsk.. (small print.. look at the beads of sweat..) but he managed to finish it all! GOod job! I took one sip of the soupy thingy and had to drink like gallons of water.

That was the end of our day out! :)

Food and me

10:51 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009
Few days ago, went out with friends to watch Yesman! I didnt know what it was all about.. didnt even research on it.. Just followed my friends thinking it must be a funny show! Entered the cinema at about 4.00pm which was the time shown on the ticket... and we were the only ppl in the whole cinema! I was thinking this is kinda weird.. but SC said maybe it is because it is the last day the cinema was screening Yesman. But after a while, the cinema filled up. The show was funny but lame at times. The lamest part was at the congregation when Jim Carrey said NO and everyone went No-Man, No-Man,No-Man..! Cant really remember the rest but what i remember was that the whole cinema was practically interacting with the show.. that is kinda interesting.

Food and me

4:30 PM

Friday, December 12, 2008
Ooooo...what who?!?! My brother graduated from Otago Uni Pharmacy School this December! Exciting exciting! There were so many consultant-like ppl and so many graduants around.. and not to mention their families too! So, lets check out my new camera and my pic taking skills!!

First up! the graduant himself!! Err.. posing. haha. It is a must for every graduant to take pics in front of the clock tower! :)

I like this pic! seems like it came out of a story book or a movie shot! haha.. or maybe i just imaging too much.

Parents and bro.. it was a task trying to fit the whole tablet in! took many shots.. i think this is the best one..

Time for some fun! haha.. didnt realise we caught 2 ppl in the middle :)

Sneaky bro wanted to take some funny pics while parents were talking to other parents. Guess he was tired of posing for the camera. So, here goes..

According to my bro, this is the Harry Potter shot!

Climbing a tree? WEEE!!

Eh what pose is this?? hahaha..

Time for dad's fav place.. the botanical gardens!

Dont know how did my bro manage to tahan the hot weather wearing that graduation costume!!

Bro and I. Me trying to my very best to smile without showing my teeth. haha..

Bro and his friends at hunter centre. :) They were supposed to take a group photo but i only managed to fit in a few ppl.. but its all goood.. :)

The graduation ceremony itself! Yes i absolutely know that is super blur! Ok.. i was sitting quite far away and this is the max that i could zoom. And i took the pic while i was sitting down. haha. Wondering why the graduation cap is hovering over his head? I didnt know but apparently during the ceremony.. you are not supposed to wear your cap before the capping procedure is performed. That is the chancellor who has to perform the capping procedure for so so many ppl.. There are some ppl in the background wearing some poofy caps! haha.. dont know why their caps are so puffy..

I will end with a quote from the Dean of Pharmacy School..

"Graduation is not the end but the beginning of your future. That is why graduation day is called commencement day in the US. "

All the best in Pammy North bro!!

Food and me

11:21 PM

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Went for another experiment the last week.. you guys must be wondering why i go for experiments so often.. its because i am on hols in NZ! :) Yea.. so went for the experiment in Dawson's building. Had to read an agreement form and proceeded into the experiment room. Basically the whole experiment is seeing a stimuli appearing on the computer screen and respond accordingly by pressing either the left or the right button. It went ok although it was quite boring but my bro slept in the experiment room! hahaha.. but he still got paid.. so next time i should do that too :P

Food and me

8:10 PM

Friday, November 21, 2008
Today had a sms from darlin all the way from Sg tellling me that there is a job with the reference number of 665805. Cool! That will be another 12 NZD kachiiing into my bank! Bro sent me down to uni area as there is no parking at that time of the day.
In Student Job Search:
Me: Excuse me, could i take part the psyche experiment please?
Sjs worker: Sure. Cell phone number?
Me: Ok gave it
Sjs worker: Hmm.. i dont think you can do this experiment
Me: WHY??
Sjs worker: You have to be a native english speaker before you can be enrolled.
Me: Err... i grew up speaking English at home. My parents spoke to me in English
Sjs worker: As in the first word you learnt when you were young
Me: What?? The first word? Something in English? Do you want me to say baby talk or what? (nah i didnt say that) i said I grew up in an English speaking family
Sjs worker: Fine. Where did you grow up?
Me: Malaysia
Sjs worker: We need a native English speaker. Not you. Someone who is born in New Zealand, Australia or England. ok?
Me: I dont understand what this is all about. I learnt how to speak English since i was young and i can understand you perfectly and so do you. So?
Sjs worker: Nope. At this point he recruited his friend to help back him up.
Sjs worker's friend: Sorry but the experiment requires native English speakers.
Me (in head): Argh stop repeating native English speakers cos i clearly do not understand what is the big deal if i was not born here or some english speaking country.
Sks worker: It is because the experiment has questions about ethics and stuff.
Me (in head again): I even have ethics questions in my exams every year. What.. you think i dont know how to answer questions about ethics and will skew the experiment? Huh>>??
Me: Ok then. i will try another time. bye.

I just decided to end the conversation because the conversation was getting no where. This is what i do best. Ignore ppl and walk away when i dont want to talk to them anymore.. ahhahah

Food and me

8:30 PM



December 2007

September 2008

October 2008

November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

March 2009

April 2009

Items for sale!
Pei Fern
Kenny sia

Designer: bw0kensmile
Blog Host: blogspot